Expand Your Offerings with Our White-Label Reseller API

  • Fully Brandable Solutions
  • Scalable Infrastructure
  • Automated Management Tools
  • Enhanced Revenue Opportunities

Start a project

Tailor our products to your brand identity, offering seamless integration into your existing services with no mention of PacketStream, ensuring a cohesive customer experience. Leverage PacketStream's robust and scalable infrastructure to grow your business without the overhead of developing and maintaining the backend technology.

Customize with Confidence

Create a seamless extension of your brand with our fully customizable Reseller API. Our white-label solution allows you to offer our powerful proxy services under your own branding, providing you with the tools to integrate our services transparently. Customize everything from user interfaces to

Leverage Our Robust Infrastructure

Capitalize on our established, reliable infrastructure without the overhead of developing it yourself. Our Reseller API is built on top of PacketStream’s robust network, offering you and your clients industry-leading performance and reliability. This means you can focus on scaling your business and expanding your client base without worrying about the complexities of backend development and maintenance. Offer top-tier services confidently, knowing that the underlying technology is continuously optimized for peak performance.

Simplify Operations with Advanced Tools

Manage your client accounts effortlessly with our comprehensive suite of management tools. Our API comes equipped with features that automate crucial processes such as account setup, billing, and resource allocation. These tools are designed to minimize your administrative workload, allowing you to focus on client engagement and business growth. With these automated systems, you can ensure a smooth operation and consistent client satisfaction, while also keeping your operational costs in check.

Common Questions

What is the white-label Reseller API?

Our white-label Reseller API allows you to offer our residential proxy services under your own brand name. This means you can integrate our powerful proxy technology seamlessly into your product offerings, without any reference to PacketStream, enhancing your brand's value and service capabilities.

How can I integrate the Reseller API into my existing services?

Integration is straightforward with our comprehensive API documentation and dedicated support team. We provide you with all the necessary tools and guidance to ensure a smooth integration process, whether you're looking to add new features to existing products or launch a completely new service.

Are there any specific requirements to become a reseller?

There are no specific requirements to become a reseller, but having a business that aligns with or benefits from offering proxy services can be advantageous. Ideal candidates include those in market research, data analytics, cybersecurity, and similar sectors.

How do you ensure the security and privacy of data through the Reseller API?

Security and privacy are paramount at PacketStream. Our API is designed with built-in encryption and advanced security measures to protect all data transmissions. Additionally, we ensure that all client interactions through your white-labeled service are anonymized and secure.

What makes PacketStream’s Reseller API different from other proxy service providers?

PacketStream’s Reseller API stands out due to its robust infrastructure, superior scalability, and the extensive degree of customization it offers. Unlike many other providers, we allow full branding control and provide a scalable solution that grows with your business needs, ensuring you can always meet your clients' demands without compromise.

What is the cost for resellers?

For resellers, the cost remains consistent at $1.00 per GB, aligning with our straightforward and transparent pricing policy. This standard rate ensures simplicity and predictability for your billing and budgeting processes.

Can I set my own pricing for the proxies I resell?

Yes, as a reseller, you have the freedom to set your own pricing for the proxies you distribute. This allows you to customize your offerings based on your business model and customer base.

What types of support can resellers expect from PacketStream?

PacketStream provides dedicated support to our resellers, including technical assistance and sales strategy guidance. Our goal is to help you succeed in your business by ensuring you have all the necessary tools and support.

Can I monitor my clients’ usage and generate reports through the API?

Yes, the Reseller API includes functionalities for monitoring your clients’ usage and generating detailed reports. These features allow you to maintain transparency and manage your operations more effectively.